In this post I implement some of the less intuitive primitives for TinyAPL.
As usual, all code is available as a GitHub repository
Currently, the implementation of majorCells
is completely wrong. It tries to chunk an array into pieces of length head shape
, where it should instead make head shape
-many chunks, or equivalently chunks of length product $ tail shape
majorCells :: Array -> [Array]
majorCells a@(Array [] _) = [a]
majorCells (Array (_:sh) cs) = mapMaybe (arrayOf sh $ chunk (product sh) cs where
chunk _ [] = []
chunk l xs = genericTake l xs : chunk l (genericDrop l xs)
First, we need a function to unwrap an array into a vector:
asVector :: Error -> Array -> Result [ScalarValue]
asVector _ (Array [] scalar) = pure scalar
asVector _ (Array [_] vec) = pure vec
asVector e _ = err e
As well as the count
utility function:
count :: Num n => (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> n
count _ [] = 0
count p (x:xs) | p x = 1 + count p xs
| otherwise = count p xs
The implementation is made slightly more complicated by my choice to implement the extension that allows ¯1
to be used as one of the elements of the shape to be automatically adjusted to the needed amount.
-- as argument to rho = DefinedFunction
\sh (Array _ xs) -> do
let mustBeIntegral = DomainError "Shape must be integral"
shape <- (asVector (RankError "Shape must be a vector") sh >>=
mapM (asNumber mustBeIntegral >=> asInt mustBeIntegral)) :: Result [Integer]
let negative = count (< 0) shape
If there is no ¯1
, we can just use the arrayReshaped
if negative == 0 then pure $ arrayReshaped (toEnum . fromEnum <$> shape) xs
Otherwise, -1
is replaced by the bound of the original array modulo the product of the other elements of the new shape.
else if negative == 1 && (-1) `elem` shape then do
let allElements = genericLength xs
let known = product $ filter (>= 0) shape
if known == 0 then err $ DomainError $ "Shape cannot and contain both 0 and " ++ [G.negative] ++ "1"
else if allElements `mod` known /= 0 then err $ DomainError "Shape is not a multiple of the bound of the array"
else pure $ arrayReshaped (toEnum . fromEnum <$> map (\x -> if x == (-1) then allElements `div` known else x) shape) xs
else err $ DomainError "Invalid shape"
Take & Drop
Overtaking cannot be implemented yet. When array prototypes will be added, the implementation will be revised.
take = DefinedFunction Nothing (Just $ \t arr -> let
) [G.take]
First, we need a take
that behaves like APL's for negative numbers:
take' c = if c < 0 then List.reverse . genericTake (negate c) . List.reverse else genericTake c
We also need a way to undo what majorCells
fromMajorCells :: [Array] -> Array
fromMajorCells [] = Array [0] []
fromMajorCells (c:cs) = arrayReshaped (1 + genericLength cs : arrayShape c) $ concatMap arrayContents $ c : cs
And the inner recursive definition for take
go [] xs = xs
go (t:ts) xs = fromMajorCells $ take' t $ go ts <$> majorCells xs
Finally, parsing:
mustBeIntegral = DomainError "Take left argument must be integral"
in do
ts <- asVector (RankError "Take left argument must be a vector") t >>= mapM (asNumber mustBeIntegral >=> asInt mustBeIntegral)
pure $ go ts arr
The implementation for drop
is very similar:
drop = DefinedFunction Nothing (Just $ \d arr -> let
drop' c = if c < 0 then List.reverse . genericDrop (negate c) . List.reverse else genericDrop c
go [] xs = xs
go (d:ds) xs = fromMajorCells $ drop' d $ go ds <$> majorCells xs
mustBeIntegral = DomainError "Drop left argument must be integral"
in do
ds <- asVector (RankError "Drop left argument must be a vector") t >>= mapM (asNumber mustBeIntegral >=> asInt mustBeIntegral)
pure $ go ds arr
) [G.drop]
Left & Right
I kinda just forgot these in the last post :)
left = DefinedFunction (Just $ \x -> pure x) (Just $ \x _ -> pure x) [G.left]
right = DefinedFunction (Just $ \x -> pure x) (Just $ \_ y -> pure y) [G.right]
After/Bind ∘
-- as constructors to Function
| After { afterLeft :: Function, afterRight :: Function }
| BindLeft { bindLeftArray :: Array, bindLeftFunction :: Function }
| BindRight { bindRightFunction :: Function, bindRightArray :: Array }
show (l `After` r) = "(" ++ show l ++ [G.after] ++ show r ++ ")"
show (l `BindLeft` r) = "(" ++ show l ++ [G.after] ++ show r ++ ")"
show (l `BindRight` r) = "(" ++ show l ++ [G.after] ++ show r ++ ")"
callMonad (f `After` g) x = callMonad g x >>= callMonad f
callMonad (a `BindLeft` f) x = callDyad f a x
callMonad (f `BindRight` a) x = callDyad f x a
callDyad (f `After` g) a b = do
b' <- callMonad g b
callDyad f a b'
callDyad (_ `BindLeft` _) _ _ = err $ DomainError "Bound function called dyadically"
callDyad (_ `BindRight` _) _ _ = err $ DomainError "Bound function called dyadically"
after = Conjunction
{ conjRepr = [G.after]
, conjOnArrayArray = Nothing
, conjOnArrayFunction = Just $ \a f -> pure $ a `BindLeft` f
, conjOnFunctionArray = Just $ \f a -> pure $ f `BindRight` a
, conjOnFunctionFunction = Just $ \f g -> pure $ f `After` g }
Before ⍛
(with array operand, acts as default argument):
Unlike other APLs, Before is not a hook (those are separate operators).
-- as constructors to Function
| Before { beforeLeft :: Function, beforeRight :: Function }
| DefaultBindLeft { defaultBindLeftArray :: Array, defaultBindLeftFunction :: Function }
| DefaultBindRight { defaultBindRightFunction :: Function, defaultBindRightArray :: Array }
show (l `Before` r) = "(" ++ show l ++ [G.before] ++ show r ++ ")"
show (l `DefaultBindLeft` r) = "(" ++ show l ++ [G.before] ++ show r ++ ")"
show (l `DefaultBindRight` r) = "(" ++ show l ++ [G.before] ++ show r ++ ")"
callMonad (f `Before` g) x = callMonad f x >>= callMonad g
callMonad (a `DefaultBindLeft` f) x = callDyad f a x
callMonad (f `DefaultBindRight` a) x = callDyad f x a
callDyad (f `Before` g) a b = do
a' <- callMonad f a
callDyad g a' b
callDyad (_ `DefaultBindLeft` f) x y = callDyad f x y
callDyad (f `DefaultBindRight` _) x y = callDyad f x y
before = Conjunction
{ conjRepr = [G.before]
, conjOnArrayArray = Nothing
, conjOnArrayFunction = Just $ \a f -> pure $ a `DefaultBindLeft` f
, conjOnFunctionArray = Just $ \f a -> pure $ f `DefaultBindRight` a
, conjOnFunctionFunction = Just $ \f g -> pure $ f `Before` g }
Left ⊸
and right hooks ⟜
-- as constructors to Function
| LeftHook { leftHookLeft :: Function, leftHookRight :: Function }
| RightHook { rightHookLeft :: Function, rightHookRight :: Function }
show (l `LeftHook` r) = "(" ++ show l ++ [G.leftHook] ++ show r ++ ")"
show (l `RightHook` r) = "(" ++ show l ++ [G.rightHook] ++ show r ++ ")"
callMonad (f `LeftHook` g) x = do
x' <- callMonad f x
callDyad g x' x
callMonad (f `RightHook` g) x = do
x' <- callMonad g x
callDyad f x x'
callDyad (f `LeftHook` g) a b = do
a' <- callMonad f a
callDyad g a' b
callDyad (f `RightHook` g) a b = do
b' <- callMonad g b
callDyad f a b'
leftHook = Conjunction
{ conjRepr = [G.leftHook]
, conjOnArrayArray = Nothing
, conjOnArrayFunction = Nothing
, conjOnFunctionArray = Nothing
, conjOnFunctionFunction = Just $ \f g -> pure $ f `LeftHook` g }
rightHook = Conjunction
{ conjRepr = [G.rightHook]
, conjOnArrayArray = Nothing
, conjOnArrayFunction = Nothing
, conjOnFunctionArray = Nothing
, conjOnFunctionFunction = Just $ \f g -> pure $ f `RightHook` g }
Selife/Constant ⍨
-- as constructors to Function
| Selfie { selfieFunction :: Function }
| Constant { constantArray :: Array }
show (Selfie f) = show f ++ [G.selfie]
show (Constant x) = show x ++ [G.selfie]
callMonad (Selfie f) x = callDyad f x x
callMonad (Constant x) _ = pure x
callDyad (Selfie f) a b = callDyad f b a
callDyad (Constant x) _ _ = pure x
selfie = Adverb
{ adverbRepr = [G.selfie]
, adverbOnArray = Just $ \x -> pure $ Constant x
, adverbOnFunction = Just $ \f -> pure $ Selfie f }
Index Generator
This is the first function that is related to indices. It therefore requires an index origin. TinyAPL's index origin will be non-configurable, and set to 1
The crux of Iota is the following function, that takes the length of the axes and creates a flat list of indices.
generateIndices :: (Enum a, Num a) => [a] -> [[a]]
generateIndices = foldr (liftA2 (:) . enumFromTo 1) [[]]
It works because the Applicative
instance for lists has liftA2
be the (flat) cartesian product. Starting from an empty list [[]]
, each axis length is turned into the list [1..len]
and cartesian-multiplied onto the previous results, prepending each value to the built lists.
The rest of the function is just glue for going from/to Array
iota = DefinedFunction (Just $ \x -> do
let error = DomainError "Index Generator requires a vector (or scalar) of natural numbers"
vec <- asVector error x >>= mapM (asNumber error >=> asNat error)
let indices = generateIndices vec
return $ arrayReshaped vec $ box . arrayReshaped (arrayShape x) . fmap (Number . fromInteger . toEnum . fromEnum) <$> indices
) Nothing [G.iota]
We already have all the building blocks for the function, the only required step is combining them correctly.
indices = DefinedFunction (Just $ \(Array sh cs) -> do
let error = DomainError "Indices requires an array of naturals"
let indices = generateIndices sh
let shape = if length sh == 1 then [] else [genericLength sh]
let rep idx c = genericReplicate c $ box $ arrayReshaped shape $ Number . fromInteger . toEnum . fromEnum <$> idx
counts <- mapM (asNumber error >=> asNat error) cs
return $ vector $ concat $ zipWith rep indices counts
) Nothing [G.indices]
Note that Indices on a vector returns scalars and not boxed singleton vectors.