Approximate Abstractions

Madeline talks about stuff she is doing or has caught her interest.

TinyAPL part 7: Quads, Key, Index


TinyAPL gets quad names and a big refactoring.

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TinyAPL part 6: Tests, Docs, Each


TinyAPL finally gets tests and documentation.

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TinyAPL part 5: Array Notation and Reductions


In this post, I add array notation to TinyAPL, as well as reductions, scans, and a few other primitives.

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TinyAPL part 4: Finally, Parsing!


I finally figured out how to parse APL, so now TinyAPL has a parser and an interpreter.

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TinyAPL part 3: More Primitives


In this post I implement some of the less intuitive primitives for TinyAPL.

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TinyAPL part 2: Functions & Operators


In this post, I will add functions and operators to the Haskell representation of TinyAPL.

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TinyAPL part 1: Introduction & Arrays


In this series of articles, I will implement a simple APL dialect named TinyAPL in Haskell.

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