Almost four months after the last post, I finally figured out how to parse APL!
As usual, this post is also available as a GitHub repo.
for errors
Proper Quick change that makes the multiline errors returned while parsing look correct.
instance Show Error where
show err = let
(errorName, errorMessage) = case err of
(DomainError msg) -> ("Domain error", msg)
(LengthError msg) -> ("Length error", msg)
(RankError msg) -> ("Rank error", msg)
(NYIError msg) -> ("Not yet implemented!", msg)
(SyntaxError msg) -> ("Syntax error", msg)
hasNewline = '\n' `elem` errorMessage
in if hasNewline
then errorName ++ '\n' : errorMessage
else errorName ++ ": " ++ errorMessage
For tokenization I'm using the Parsec parser combinator library (version
The token structure is tree-like: some tokens (like the dfn token) contain other tokens as children.
Each token also has a SourcePos
(from Parsec) that is used for displaying error messages.
data Token
= TokenNumber (Complex Double) SourcePos
| TokenChar String SourcePos
| TokenString String SourcePos
| TokenPrimArray Char SourcePos
| TokenPrimFunction Char SourcePos
| TokenPrimAdverb Char SourcePos
| TokenPrimConjunction Char SourcePos
| TokenDfn [[Token]] SourcePos
| TokenDadv [[Token]] SourcePos
| TokenDconj [[Token]] SourcePos
| TokenArrayName String SourcePos
| TokenFunctionName String SourcePos
| TokenAdverbName String SourcePos
| TokenConjunctionName String SourcePos
| TokenArrayAssign String [Token] SourcePos
| TokenFunctionAssign String [Token] SourcePos
| TokenAdverbAssign String [Token] SourcePos
| TokenConjunctionAssign String [Token] SourcePos
| TokenParens [Token] SourcePos
| TokenGuard [Token] [Token] SourcePos
| TokenExit [Token] SourcePos
deriving (Show)
tokenPos :: Token -> SourcePos
tokenPos (TokenNumber _ pos) = pos
tokenPos (TokenChar _ pos) = pos
tokenPos (TokenString _ pos) = pos
tokenPos (TokenPrimArray _ pos) = pos
tokenPos (TokenPrimFunction _ pos) = pos
tokenPos (TokenPrimAdverb _ pos) = pos
tokenPos (TokenPrimConjunction _ pos) = pos
tokenPos (TokenDfn _ pos) = pos
tokenPos (TokenDadv _ pos) = pos
tokenPos (TokenDconj _ pos) = pos
tokenPos (TokenArrayName _ pos) = pos
tokenPos (TokenFunctionName _ pos) = pos
tokenPos (TokenAdverbName _ pos) = pos
tokenPos (TokenConjunctionName _ pos) = pos
tokenPos (TokenArrayAssign _ _ pos) = pos
tokenPos (TokenFunctionAssign _ _ pos) = pos
tokenPos (TokenAdverbAssign _ _ pos) = pos
tokenPos (TokenConjunctionAssign _ _ pos) = pos
tokenPos (TokenParens _ pos) = pos
tokenPos (TokenGuard _ _ pos) = pos
tokenPos (TokenExit _ pos) = pos
An utility for creating syntax errors with indication to where in the source the error is, and an utility for turning Parsec ParseError
s into SyntaxError
makeSyntaxError :: SourcePos -> String -> String -> Error
makeSyntaxError pos source msg = let
line = sourceLine pos
column = sourceColumn pos
theLine = if null $ lines source then "" else lines source !! (line - 1)
in SyntaxError $ theLine ++ "\n" ++ replicate (column - 1) ' ' ++ "^\n" ++ msg
makeParseError :: String -> ParseError -> Error
makeParseError source err = let
pos = errorPos err
msgs = tail $ showErrorMessages "or" "unknown parse error" "expecting" "unexpected" "end of input" $ errorMessages err
in makeSyntaxError pos source msgs
And now, the actual tokenization function:
tokenize :: SourceName -> String -> Result [[Token]]
tokenize file source = first (makeParseError source) $ Text.Parsec.parse (sepBy1 bits separator <* eof) file source where
withPos :: Parser (SourcePos -> a) -> Parser a
withPos = (<**>) getPosition
bit :: Parser Token
bit = try bracketed <|> try conjunction <|> try adverb <|> try function <|> try array
bits :: Parser [Token]
bits = many1 bit
bracketed :: Parser Token
bracketed = withPos $ TokenParens <$> between (char $ fst G.parens) (char $ snd G.parens) bits
separator :: Parser ()
separator = oneOf [G.separator, '\n'] $> ()
Identifiers follow this rule: arrays start wiht a lowercase letter (or ∆
, ⍺
, ⍵
), functions start with an uppercase letter (or ⍙
, ⍶
, ⍹
, ∇
), monadic operators start with an underscore, dyadic operators start and end with an underscore.
arrayStart :: String
arrayStart = : G.alpha : : ['a'..'z']
functionStart :: String
functionStart = G.deltaBar : G.alphaBar : G.omegaBar : G.del : ['A'..'Z']
identifierRest :: String
identifierRest = arrayStart ++ functionStart ++ ['0'..'9']
array :: Parser Token
array = between spaces spaces (try number <|> try charVec <|> try str <|> try arrayAssign <|> try (withPos $ TokenArrayName <$> arrayName) <|> primArray) where
number :: Parser Token
number = withPos $ TokenNumber <$> complex where
Parsing integers:
sign :: Parser Double
sign = option 1 (char G.negative $> (-1))
natural :: Parser String
natural = many1 digit
integer :: Parser (Double, String)
integer = liftA2 (,) sign natural
float :: Parser Double
float = do
(s, i) <- integer
d <- option "" $ liftA2 (:) (char G.decimal) (many1 digit)
return $ s * read (i ++ d)
scientific :: Parser Double
scientific = do
f <- float
option f $ do
_ <- char G.exponent
(es, ei) <- integer
return $ f * 10 ** (es * read ei)
And complex numbers:
complex :: Parser (Complex Double)
complex = liftA2 (:+) scientific (option 0 (char G.imaginary *> scientific))
Parsing charcter literals:
charVec :: Parser Token
charVec = withPos $ TokenChar <$> between (char G.charDelimiter) (char G.charDelimiter) (many $ noneOf ['\''])
And strings, which support escapes with ⍘
str :: Parser Token
str = withPos $ TokenString <$> between (char G.stringDelimiter) (char G.stringDelimiter) (many (escape <|> nonEscape)) where
escape :: Parser Char
escape = do
_ <- char G.stringEscape
c <- oneOf [G.stringDelimiter, G.stringEscape, 'n', 'r', 't']
return $ fromJust $ lookup c
[ (G.stringDelimiter, G.stringDelimiter)
, (G.stringEscape, G.stringEscape)
, ('n', '\n')
, ('r', '\r')
, ('t', '\t') ]
nonEscape :: Parser Char
nonEscape = noneOf [G.stringDelimiter, G.stringEscape]
Lastly, primitive arrays, array names and assignment to array names:
primArray :: Parser Token
primArray = withPos $ TokenPrimArray <$> oneOf G.arrays
arrayName :: Parser String
arrayName = singleton <$> oneOf [G.quad, G.quadQuote] <|> liftA2 (:) (oneOf arrayStart) (many $ oneOf identifierRest)
arrayAssign :: Parser Token
arrayAssign = withPos $ liftA2 TokenArrayAssign arrayName (between spaces spaces (char G.assign) *> bits)
Dfns (use ■
for early exit):
guard :: Parser Token
guard = withPos $ liftA2 TokenGuard bits (char G.guard *> definedBits)
exit :: Parser Token
exit = withPos $ TokenExit <$> (char G.exit *> bits)
definedBits :: Parser [Token]
definedBits = many1 (try guard <|> try exit <|> bit)
function :: Parser Token
function = between spaces spaces (try dfn <|> try functionAssign <|> try (withPos $ TokenFunctionName <$> functionName) <|> primFunction) where
dfn :: Parser Token
dfn = withPos $ TokenDfn <$> (string [fst G.braces] *> sepBy1 definedBits separator <* string [snd G.braces])
Primitive functions, function names and function assignment:
primFunction :: Parser Token
primFunction = withPos $ TokenPrimFunction <$> oneOf G.functions
functionName :: Parser String
functionName = liftA2 (:) (oneOf functionStart) (many $ oneOf identifierRest)
functionAssign :: Parser Token
functionAssign = withPos $ liftA2 TokenFunctionAssign functionName (between spaces spaces (char G.assign) *> bits)
Operators are similar, except that they use _{
for dadvs and _{
for dconjs.
adverb :: Parser Token
adverb = between spaces spaces (try dadv <|> try adverbAssign <|> try (withPos $ TokenAdverbName <$> adverbName) <|> primAdverb) where
dadv :: Parser Token
dadv = withPos $ TokenDadv <$> (string [G.underscore, fst G.braces] *> sepBy1 definedBits separator <* string [snd G.braces])
primAdverb :: Parser Token
primAdverb = withPos $ TokenPrimAdverb <$> oneOf G.adverbs
adverbName :: Parser String
adverbName = liftA2 (:) (char G.underscore) (many1 $ oneOf identifierRest)
adverbAssign :: Parser Token
adverbAssign = withPos $ liftA2 TokenAdverbAssign adverbName (between spaces spaces (char G.assign) *> bits)
conjunction :: Parser Token
conjunction = between spaces spaces (try dconj <|> try conjunctionAssign <|> try (withPos $ TokenConjunctionName <$> conjunctionName) <|> primConjunction) where
dconj :: Parser Token
dconj = withPos $ TokenDconj <$> (string [G.underscore, fst G.braces] *> sepBy1 definedBits separator <* string [snd G.braces, G.underscore])
primConjunction :: Parser Token
primConjunction = withPos $ TokenPrimConjunction <$> oneOf G.conjunctions
conjunctionName :: Parser String
conjunctionName = liftA3 (\a b c -> a : b ++ [c]) (char G.underscore) (many1 $ oneOf identifierRest) (char G.underscore)
conjunctionAssign :: Parser Token
conjunctionAssign = withPos $ liftA2 TokenConjunctionAssign conjunctionName (between spaces spaces (char G.assign) *> bits)
Bunda-Gerth parsing
Turning tokens into a tree is done with a variation of Bunda-Gerth parsing, adapted to work with the token structure of TinyAPL.
First, each tree gets a category:
data Category
= CatArray
| CatFunction
| CatAppliedFunction
| CatAdverb
| CatConjunction
deriving (Enum, Bounded, Eq, Ord)
instance Show Category where
show CatArray = "array"
show CatFunction = "function"
show CatAppliedFunction = "applied function"
show CatAdverb = "monadic operator"
show CatConjunction = "dyadic operator"
Next, the AST structure:
data Tree
= Leaf { leafCategory :: Category, leafToken :: Token }
| MonadCallBranch { monadCallBranchLeft :: Tree, monadCallBranchRight :: Tree }
| DyadCallBranch { dyadCallBranchLeft :: Tree, dyadCallBranchRight :: Tree }
| AdverbCallBranch { adverbCallBranchLeft :: Tree, adverbCallBranchRight :: Tree }
| ConjunctionCallBranch { conjunctionCallBranchLeft :: Tree, conjunctionCallBranchRight :: Tree }
| AssignBranch { assignmentBranchCategory :: Category, assignmentName :: String, assignmentValue :: Tree }
| DefinedBranch { definedBranchCategory :: Category, definedBranchStatements :: [Tree] }
| GuardBranch { guardBranchCheck :: Tree, guardBranchResult :: Tree }
| ExitBranch { exitBranchResult :: Tree }
instance Show Tree where
show tree = unlines $ go 0 tree where
indentCount = 2
go :: Int -> Tree -> [String]
go i t = let indent = replicate (indentCount * i) ' ' in case t of
(Leaf c l) -> [indent ++ show c ++ ": " ++ show l]
(MonadCallBranch l r) -> [indent ++ "monad call"] ++ go (i + 1) l ++ go (i + 1) r
(DyadCallBranch l r) -> [indent ++ "dyad left call"] ++ go (i + 1) l ++ go (i + 1) r
(AdverbCallBranch l r) -> [indent ++ "adverb call"] ++ go (i + 1) l ++ go (i + 1) r
(ConjunctionCallBranch l r) -> [indent ++ "conjunction right call"] ++ go (i + 1) l ++ go (i + 1) r
(AssignBranch c n v) -> (indent ++ show c ++ " " ++ n ++ " ←") : go (i + 1) v
(DefinedBranch c ts) -> (indent ++ show c ++ " {") : concatMap (go (i + 1)) ts
(GuardBranch ch res) -> [indent ++ "guard"] ++ go (i + 1) ch ++ [indent ++ ":"] ++ go (i + 1) res
(ExitBranch res) -> (indent ++ "■") : go (i + 1) res
treeCategory :: Tree -> Category
treeCategory (Leaf c _) = c
treeCategory (MonadCallBranch _ _) = CatArray
treeCategory (DyadCallBranch _ _) = CatAppliedFunction
treeCategory (AdverbCallBranch _ _) = CatFunction
treeCategory (ConjunctionCallBranch _ _) = CatAdverb
treeCategory (AssignBranch c _ _) = c
treeCategory (DefinedBranch c _) = c
treeCategory (GuardBranch _ _) = CatArray
treeCategory (ExitBranch _) = CatArray
In Bunda-Gerth, each pair of adjacent trees gets a binding strength (which by default is 0, indicating no bind can happen). bindingMap
specifies the bind strengths and results:
bindingMap :: [((Category, Category), (Int, Tree -> Tree -> Tree))]
bindingMap =
[ ((CatArray, CatFunction), (2, DyadCallBranch))
, ((CatFunction, CatArray), (1, MonadCallBranch))
, ((CatAppliedFunction, CatArray), (1, MonadCallBranch))
, ((CatFunction, CatAdverb), (3, AdverbCallBranch))
, ((CatArray, CatAdverb), (3, AdverbCallBranch))
, ((CatConjunction, CatArray), (3, ConjunctionCallBranch))
, ((CatConjunction, CatFunction), (3, ConjunctionCallBranch)) ]
The bindPair
function is the core of Bunda-Gerth: it finds the next pair to bind (the first pair with highest precedence) and joins the tree.
pairs :: [Tree] -> [(Int, Tree -> Tree -> Tree)]
pairs = mapAdjacent $ fromMaybe (0, undefined) .: (curry (`lookup` bindingMap) `on` treeCategory)
bindPair :: [Tree] -> Result [Tree]
bindPair [] = err $ SyntaxError "Bind empty array"
bindPair x@[_] = pure x
bindPair xs = let
First, we find all binding strengths and results.
(sts, trees) = unzip $ pairs xs
Next, we find the maximum bind and its index.
maxBind = maximum sts
nextBind = fromJust $ maxBind `elemIndex` sts
tree = trees !! nextBind
Lastly, we check that the bind is actually valid (not with strength 0) and transform the tree list.
indexed = zip [0..] xs
in if maxBind == 0 then err $ SyntaxError "No binding found" else pure $ mapMaybe (\(idx, el) ->
if idx == nextBind then Just $ tree el $ xs !! (idx + 1)
else if idx == nextBind + 1 then Nothing
else Just el) indexed
Now we just need to apply the transformation for each pair in the tree list.
bindAll :: [Tree] -> Result Tree
bindAll [] = err $ SyntaxError "Bind empty array"
bindAll [x] = pure x
bindAll xs = bindPair xs >>= bindAll
Finally, we need to turn Token
s into Tree
s that the binder can consume.
categorize :: SourceName -> String -> Result [[Tree]]
categorize name source = tokenize name source >>= mapM categorizeTokens where
categorizeTokens :: [Token] -> Result [Tree]
categorizeTokens = mapM tokenToTree
categorizeAndBind :: [Token] -> Result Tree
categorizeAndBind = categorizeTokens >=> bindAll
requireOfCategory :: Category -> (Category -> Error) -> Tree -> Result Tree
requireOfCategory cat msg tree | treeCategory tree == cat = pure tree
| otherwise = err $ msg $ treeCategory tree
Most tokens are Leaf
s, and need no special processing.
tokenToTree :: Token -> Result Tree
tokenToTree num@(TokenNumber _ _) = return $ Leaf CatArray num
tokenToTree ch@(TokenChar _ _) = return $ Leaf CatArray ch
tokenToTree str@(TokenString _ _) = return $ Leaf CatArray str
tokenToTree arr@(TokenPrimArray _ _) = return $ Leaf CatArray arr
tokenToTree fn@(TokenPrimFunction _ _) = return $ Leaf CatFunction fn
tokenToTree adv@(TokenPrimAdverb _ _) = return $ Leaf CatAdverb adv
tokenToTree conj@(TokenPrimConjunction _ _) = return $ Leaf CatConjunction conj
tokenToTree arr@(TokenArrayName _ _) = return $ Leaf CatArray arr
tokenToTree fn@(TokenFunctionName _ _) = return $ Leaf CatFunction fn
tokenToTree adv@(TokenAdverbName _ _) = return $ Leaf CatAdverb adv
tokenToTree conj@(TokenConjunctionName _ _) = return $ Leaf CatConjunction conj
tokenToTree (TokenParens ts pos) = categorizeAndBind ts
Next, defined functions and operators.
defined :: Category -> String -> [[Token]] -> SourcePos -> Result Tree
defined cat name statements pos = do
ss <- mapM categorizeAndBind statements
if null ss then err $ makeSyntaxError pos source $ "Invalid empty " ++ name
else if treeCategory (last ss) /= CatArray then err $ makeSyntaxError (tokenPos $ head $ last statements) source $ "Invalid " ++ name ++ ": last statement must be an array"
else Right $ DefinedBranch cat ss
tokenToTree (TokenDfn statements pos) = defined CatFunction "dfn" statements pos
tokenToTree (TokenDadv statements pos) = defined CatAdverb "dadv" statements pos
tokenToTree (TokenDconj statements pos) = defined CatConjunction "dconj" statements pos
assignment :: Category -> String -> [Token] -> SourcePos -> Result Tree
assignment cat name ts pos = AssignBranch cat name <$> (categorizeAndBind ts >>=
requireOfCategory cat (\c -> makeSyntaxError pos source $ "Invalid assignment of " ++ show c ++ " to " ++ show cat ++ " name"))
tokenToTree (TokenArrayAssign name ts pos) = assignment CatArray name ts pos
tokenToTree (TokenFunctionAssign name ts pos) = assignment CatFunction name ts pos
tokenToTree (TokenAdverbAssign name ts pos) = assignment CatAdverb name ts pos
tokenToTree (TokenConjunctionAssign name ts pos) = assignment CatConjunction name ts pos
And finally, guards and exit statements.
tokenToTree (TokenGuard check result pos) = do
c <- categorizeAndBind check >>= requireOfCategory CatArray (\c -> makeSyntaxError (tokenPos $ head check) source $ "Invalid guard of type " ++ show c ++ ", array required")
r <- categorizeAndBind result
return $ GuardBranch c r
tokenToTree (TokenExit result pos) = ExitBranch <$> (categorizeAndBind result >>= requireOfCategory CatArray (\c -> makeSyntaxError (tokenPos $ head result) source $ "Invalid exit statement of type " ++ show c ++ ", array required"))
To tie everything together, a parse
function that goes from string to Tree
parse :: SourceName -> String -> Result [Tree]
parse name = categorize name >=> mapM bindAll
Functions and operators now need access to variables, which are captured in the Scope
data Scope = Scope
{ scopeArrays :: [(String, Array)]
, scopeFunctions :: [(String, Function)]
, scopeAdverbs :: [(String, Adverb)]
, scopeConjunctions :: [(String, Conjunction)]
, scopeParent :: Maybe Scope }
deriving (Show)
s support looking up a name:
scopeLookupArray :: String -> Scope -> Maybe Array
scopeLookupArray name sc =
lookup name (scopeArrays sc) <|> (scopeParent sc >>= scopeLookupArray name)
scopeLookupFunction :: String -> Scope -> Maybe Function
scopeLookupFunction name sc =
lookup name (scopeFunctions sc) <|> (scopeParent sc >>= scopeLookupFunction name)
scopeLookupAdverb :: String -> Scope -> Maybe Adverb
scopeLookupAdverb name sc =
lookup name (scopeAdverbs sc) <|> (scopeParent sc >>= scopeLookupAdverb name)
scopeLookupConjunction :: String -> Scope -> Maybe Conjunction
scopeLookupConjunction name sc =
lookup name (scopeConjunctions sc) <|> (scopeParent sc >>= scopeLookupConjunction name)
And storing a value in a name:
scopeUpdateArray :: String -> Array -> Scope -> Scope
scopeUpdateArray name val sc = sc{ scopeArrays = update name val (scopeArrays sc) }
scopeUpdateFunction :: String -> Function -> Scope -> Scope
scopeUpdateFunction name val sc = sc{ scopeFunctions = update name val (scopeFunctions sc) }
scopeUpdateAdverb :: String -> Adverb -> Scope -> Scope
scopeUpdateAdverb name val sc = sc{ scopeAdverbs = update name val (scopeAdverbs sc) }
scopeUpdateConjunction :: String -> Conjunction -> Scope -> Scope
scopeUpdateConjunction name val sc = sc{ scopeConjunctions = update name val (scopeConjunctions sc) }
We need an environment for functions and operators to work in, with access to the current scope. I chose to use the StateT
monad transformer on the ExceptT
monad transformer (both from mtl
version 2.3.1
) on IO
type St = StateT Scope (ExceptT Error IO)
Now functions and operators need to work in the St
data Function
= DefinedFunction
{ dfnMonad :: Maybe (Array -> St Array)
, dfnDyad :: Maybe (Array -> Array -> St Array)
, dfnRepr :: String }
-- ...
callMonad :: Function -> Array -> St Array
callDyad :: Function -> Array -> Array -> St Array
data Adverb = Adverb
{ adverbOnArray :: Maybe (Array -> St Function)
, adverbOnFunction :: Maybe (Function -> St Function)
, adverbRepr :: String }
callOnArray :: Adverb -> Array -> St Function
callOnFunction :: Adverb -> Function -> St Function
data Conjunction = Conjunction
{ conjOnArrayArray :: Maybe (Array -> Array -> St Function)
, conjOnArrayFunction :: Maybe (Array -> Function -> St Function)
, conjOnFunctionArray :: Maybe (Function -> Array -> St Function)
, conjOnFunctionFunction :: Maybe (Function -> Function -> St Function)
, conjRepr :: String }
callOnArrayAndArray :: Conjunction -> Array -> Array -> St Function
callOnArrayAndFunction :: Conjunction -> Array -> Function -> St Function
callOnFunctionAndArray :: Conjunction -> Function -> Array -> St Function
callOnFunctionAndFunction :: Conjunction -> Function -> Function -> St Function
All functions in the Primitives
module need to be changed to work under the St
monad. Since they're all pure functions, I created a wrapper function:
pureFunction m d = DefinedFunction
((\f x -> case f x of
Left e -> throwError e
Right r -> return r) <$> m)
((\f x y -> case f x y of
Left e -> throwError e
Right r -> return r) <$> d)
All definitions inside Primitives
were changed to call pureFunction
While interpreting, all four types of values (arrays, functions, monadic and dyadic operators) need to be passed around as an unit. Value
does exactly that:
data Value
= VArray Array
| VFunction Function
| VAdverb Adverb
| VConjunction Conjunction
instance Show Value where
show (VArray arr) = show arr
show (VFunction fn) = show fn
show (VAdverb adv) = show adv
show (VConjunction conj) = show conj
unwrapArray :: Error -> Value -> St Array
unwrapArray _ (VArray val) = return val
unwrapArray e _ = throwError e
unwrapFunction :: Error -> Value -> St Function
unwrapFunction _ (VFunction val) = return val
unwrapFunction e _ = throwError e
unwrapAdverb :: Error -> Value -> St Adverb
unwrapAdverb _ (VAdverb val) = return val
unwrapAdverb e _ = throwError e
unwrapConjunction :: Error -> Value -> St Conjunction
unwrapConjunction _ (VConjunction val) = return val
unwrapConjunction e _ = throwError e
Functions for looking up and updating scopes that work with Value
scopeLookup :: String -> Scope -> Maybe Value
scopeLookup name sc = (VArray <$> scopeLookupArray name sc)
<|> (VFunction <$> scopeLookupFunction name sc)
<|> (VAdverb <$> scopeLookupAdverb name sc)
<|> (VConjunction <$> scopeLookupConjunction name sc)
scopeUpdate :: String -> Value -> Scope -> Scope
scopeUpdate name (VArray val) sc = scopeUpdateArray name val sc
scopeUpdate name (VFunction val) sc = scopeUpdateFunction name val sc
scopeUpdate name (VAdverb val) sc = scopeUpdateAdverb name val sc
scopeUpdate name (VConjunction val) sc = scopeUpdateConjunction name val sc
A function for creating a child scope, and running code inside it:
inChildScope :: Monad m => [(String, Value)] -> StateT Scope m a -> Scope -> m a
inChildScope vals x parent = let
child = foldr (\(name, val) sc -> scopeUpdate name val sc) (Scope [] [] [] [] (Just parent)) vals
in evalStateT x child
Functions for interpreting a Tree
, as well as the whole pipeline for strings to interpreted result (these call eval
, which is defined later):
interpret :: Tree -> Scope -> ResultIO (Value, Scope)
interpret tree = runStateT (eval tree)
run :: String -> String -> Scope -> ResultIO (Value, Scope)
run file src scope = do
trees <- except (parse file src)
join $ foldlM (\last next -> interpret next . snd <$> last) (return (undefined, scope)) trees
And finally, the core of the interpreting step: eval
eval :: Tree -> St Value
First, we interpret Leaf
eval (Leaf _ tok) = evalLeaf tok
evalLeaf :: Token -> St Value
Numbers, character literals and strings simply wrap the leaf value into a VArray
evalLeaf (TokenNumber num _) = return $ VArray $ scalar $ Number num
evalLeaf (TokenChar [x] _) = return $ VArray $ scalar $ Character x
evalLeaf (TokenChar xs _) = return $ VArray $ vector $ Character <$> xs
evalLeaf (TokenString xs _) = return $ VArray $ vector $ Character <$> xs
Lookup of primitives:
evalLeaf (TokenPrimArray n _) =
lift $ except $ maybeToEither (SyntaxError $ "Unknown primitive array " ++ [n]) $ VArray <$> lookup n P.arrays
evalLeaf (TokenPrimFunction n _) =
lift $ except $ maybeToEither (SyntaxError $ "Unknown primitive function " ++ [n]) $ VFunction <$> lookup n P.functions
evalLeaf (TokenPrimAdverb n _) =
lift $ except $ maybeToEither (SyntaxError $ "Unknown primitive adverb " ++ [n]) $ VAdverb <$> lookup n P.adverbs
evalLeaf (TokenPrimConjunction n _) =
lift $ except $ maybeToEither (SyntaxError $ "Unknown primitive conjunction " ++ [n]) $ VConjunction <$> lookup n P.conjunctions
Looking up array names has a special check for ⍞
and ⍞
evalLeaf (TokenArrayName name _)
| name == [G.quad] = do
liftIO $ putStr $ G.quad : ": "
liftIO $ hFlush stdout
code <- liftIO getLine
scope <- get
(res, scope') <- lift $ run [G.quad] code scope
put scope'
return res
| name == [G.quadQuote] = do
str <- liftIO getLine
return $ VArray $ vector $ Character <$> str
| otherwise =
get >>= (lift . except . maybeToEither (SyntaxError $ "Variable " ++ name ++ " does not exist") . fmap VArray . scopeLookupArray name)
Other names can be directly looked up:
evalLeaf (TokenFunctionName name _) =
get >>= (lift . except . maybeToEither (SyntaxError $ "Variable " ++ name ++ " does not exist") . fmap VFunction . scopeLookupFunction name)
evalLeaf (TokenAdverbName name _) =
get >>= (lift . except . maybeToEither (SyntaxError $ "Variable " ++ name ++ " does not exist") . fmap VAdverb . scopeLookupAdverb name)
evalLeaf (TokenConjunctionName name _) =
get >>= (lift . except . maybeToEither (SyntaxError $ "Variable " ++ name ++ " does not exist") . fmap VConjunction . scopeLookupConjunction name)
evalLeaf _ = throwError $ DomainError "Invalid leaf type in evaluation"
Next, evaluation for function and operator applications:
eval (MonadCallBranch l r) = do
r' <- eval r
l' <- eval l
evalMonadCall l' r'
eval (DyadCallBranch l r) = do
r' <- eval r
l' <- eval l
evalDyadCall l' r'
eval (AdverbCallBranch l r) = do
r' <- eval r
l' <- eval l
evalAdverbCall l' r'
eval (ConjunctionCallBranch l r) = do
r' <- eval r
l' <- eval l
evalConjunctionCall l' r'
evalMonadCall :: Value -> Value -> St Value
evalMonadCall (VFunction fn) (VArray arr) = VArray <$> callMonad fn arr
evalMonadCall _ _ = throwError $ DomainError "Invalid arguments to monad call evaluation"
evalDyadCall :: Value -> Value -> St Value
evalDyadCall (VArray arr) (VFunction f) =
return $ VFunction $ DefinedFunction { dfnMonad = Just $ callDyad f arr, dfnDyad = Nothing, dfnRepr = "(" ++ show arr ++ show f ++ ")" }
evalDyadCall _ _ = throwError $ DomainError "Invalid arguments to dyad call evaluation"
evalAdverbCall :: Value -> Value -> St Value
evalAdverbCall (VArray l) (VAdverb adv) = VFunction <$> callOnArray adv l
evalAdverbCall (VFunction l) (VAdverb adv) = VFunction <$> callOnFunction adv l
evalAdverbCall _ _ = throwError $ DomainError "Invalid arguments to adverb call evaluation"
evalConjunctionCall :: Value -> Value -> St Value
evalConjunctionCall (VConjunction conj) (VArray r) =
return $ VAdverb $ Adverb { adverbOnArray = Just (\x -> callOnArrayAndArray conj x r), adverbOnFunction = Just (\x -> callOnFunctionAndArray conj x r), adverbRepr = "(" ++ show conj ++ show r ++ ")" }
evalConjunctionCall (VConjunction conj) (VFunction r) =
return $ VAdverb $ Adverb { adverbOnArray = Just (\x -> callOnArrayAndFunction conj x r), adverbOnFunction = Just (\x -> callOnFunctionAndFunction conj x r), adverbRepr = "(" ++ show conj ++ show r ++ ")" }
evalConjunctionCall _ _ = throwError $ DomainError "Invalid arguments to conjunction call evaluation"
Then, evaluation for assignment:
eval (AssignBranch _ n val) = eval val >>= evalAssign n
Just like for name lookup, there is a special case for ⎕
and ⍞
evalAssign :: String -> Value -> St Value
evalAssign name val
| name == [G.quad] = do
arr <- unwrapArray (DomainError "Cannot print non-array") val
liftIO $ print arr
return val
| name == [G.quadQuote] = do
arr <- unwrapArray (DomainError "Cannot print non-array") val
liftIO $ hPutStr stderr $ show arr
liftIO $ hFlush stderr
return val
| otherwise = do
sc <- get
put $ scopeUpdate name val sc
return val
Finally, dfn/dop evaluation:
eval (DefinedBranch cat statements) = evalDefined statements cat
eval _ = throwError $ DomainError "Invalid branch in evaluation"
evalDefined :: [Tree] -> Category -> St Value
evalDefined statements cat = let
First, a function that does evaluation inside a dfn context, which means that it also supports guards and exits:
ev :: Tree -> St (Value, Bool)
ev (GuardBranch check result) = do
c <- eval check >>= unwrapArray (DomainError "Guard check not array") >>= lift . except . asScalar (DomainError "Guard check not scalar") >>= lift . except . asBool (DomainError "Guard check not boolean")
if c then ev result
else return (VArray $ Array [0, 0] [], False)
ev (ExitBranch result) = (, True) <$> eval result
ev other = (, False) <$> eval other
The Bool
is used as an indicator of early return:
runDefined :: [Tree] -> St Value
runDefined [] = throwError $ DomainError "Eval empty dfn/dadv/dconj"
runDefined [x] = fst <$> ev x
runDefined (x:xs) = do
(v, r) <- ev x
if r then return v else runDefined xs
A helper function:
run xs sc = lift (inChildScope xs (runDefined statements) sc) >>= unwrapArray (DomainError "Dfn must return an array")
Finally, the actual interpreting of dfns/dops:
in do
sc <- get
case cat of
CatArray -> throwError $ DomainError "Defined of type array?"
CatFunction -> let
dfn = VFunction (DefinedFunction
{ dfnRepr = "{...}"
, dfnMonad = Just $ \x -> run [([], VArray x), ([G.del], dfn)] sc
, dfnDyad = Just $ \x y -> run [([G.alpha], VArray x), ([], VArray y), ([G.del], dfn)] sc } )
in return dfn
CatAdverb -> let
dadv = VAdverb (Adverb
{ adverbRepr = "_{...}"
, adverbOnArray = Just $ \a -> let
dfn = (DefinedFunction
{ dfnRepr = "(" ++ show a ++ ")_{...}"
, dfnMonad = Just $ \x -> run
[ ([G.alpha, G.alpha], VArray a)
, ([], VArray x)
, ([G.underscore, G.del], dadv)
, ([G.del], VFunction dfn) ] sc
, dfnDyad = Just $ \x y -> run
[ ([G.alpha, G.alpha], VArray a)
, ([G.alpha], VArray x)
, ([], VArray y)
, ([G.underscore, G.del], dadv)
, ([G.del], VFunction dfn) ] sc } )
in return dfn
, adverbOnFunction = Just $ \a -> let
dfn = (DefinedFunction
{ dfnRepr = "(" ++ show a ++ ")_{...}"
, dfnMonad = Just $ \x -> run
[ ([G.alphaBar, G.alphaBar], VFunction a)
, ([], VArray x)
, ([G.underscore, G.del], dadv)
, ([G.del], VFunction dfn) ] sc
, dfnDyad = Just $ \x y -> run
[ ([G.alphaBar, G.alphaBar], VFunction a)
, ([G.alpha], VArray x)
, ([], VArray y)
, ([G.underscore, G.del], dadv)
, ([G.del], VFunction dfn) ] sc } )
in return dfn } )
in return dadv
CatConjunction -> let
dconj = VConjunction (Conjunction
{ conjRepr = "_{...}_"
, conjOnArrayArray = Just $ \a b -> let
dfn = (DefinedFunction
{ dfnRepr = "(" ++ show a ++ ")_{...}_(" ++ show b ++ ")"
, dfnMonad = Just $ \x -> run
[ ([G.alpha, G.alpha], VArray a)
, ([,], VArray b)
, ([], VArray x)
, ([G.underscore, G.del, G.underscore], dconj)
, ([G.del], VFunction dfn) ] sc
, dfnDyad = Just $ \x y -> run
[ ([G.alpha, G.alpha], VArray a)
, ([,], VArray b)
, ([G.alpha], VArray x)
, ([], VArray y)
, ([G.underscore, G.del, G.underscore], dconj)
, ([G.del], VFunction dfn) ] sc } )
in return dfn
, conjOnArrayFunction = Just $ \a b -> let
dfn = (DefinedFunction
{ dfnRepr = "(" ++ show a ++ ")_{...}_(" ++ show b ++ ")"
, dfnMonad = Just $ \x -> run
[ ([G.alpha, G.alpha], VArray a)
, ([G.omegaBar, G.omegaBar], VFunction b)
, ([], VArray x)
, ([G.underscore, G.del, G.underscore], dconj)
, ([G.del], VFunction dfn) ] sc
, dfnDyad = Just $ \x y -> run
[ ([G.alpha, G.alpha], VArray a)
, ([G.omegaBar, G.omegaBar], VFunction b)
, ([G.alpha], VArray x)
, ([], VArray y)
, ([G.underscore, G.del, G.underscore], dconj)
, ([G.del], VFunction dfn) ] sc } )
in return dfn
, conjOnFunctionArray = Just $ \a b -> let
dfn = (DefinedFunction
{ dfnRepr = "(" ++ show a ++ ")_{...}_(" ++ show b ++ ")"
, dfnMonad = Just $ \x -> run
[ ([G.alphaBar, G.alphaBar], VFunction a)
, ([,], VArray b)
, ([], VArray x)
, ([G.underscore, G.del, G.underscore], dconj)
, ([G.del], VFunction dfn) ] sc
, dfnDyad = Just $ \x y -> run
[ ([G.alphaBar, G.alphaBar], VFunction a)
, ([,], VArray b)
, ([G.alpha], VArray x)
, ([], VArray y)
, ([G.underscore, G.del, G.underscore], dconj)
, ([G.del], VFunction dfn) ] sc } )
in return dfn
, conjOnFunctionFunction = Just $ \a b -> let
dfn = (DefinedFunction
{ dfnRepr = "(" ++ show a ++ ")_{...}_(" ++ show b ++ ")"
, dfnMonad = Just $ \x -> run
[ ([G.alphaBar, G.alphaBar], VFunction a)
, ([G.omegaBar, G.omegaBar], VFunction b)
, ([], VArray x)
, ([G.underscore, G.del, G.underscore], dconj)
, ([G.del], VFunction dfn) ] sc
, dfnDyad = Just $ \x y -> run
[ ([G.alphaBar, G.alphaBar], VFunction a)
, ([G.omegaBar, G.omegaBar], VFunction b)
, ([G.alpha], VArray x)
, ([], VArray y)
, ([G.underscore, G.del, G.underscore], dconj)
, ([G.del], VFunction dfn) ] sc } )
in return dfn } )
in return dconj
This code looks scary, but it's only doing one thing: creating DefinedFunction
s that run in a child scope where the correct variables (⍺
, ⍵
, ⍺⍺
, ⍵⍵
, ⍶⍶
, ⍹⍹
, ∇
, _∇
, _∇_
) are defined.
Now that we can parse and interpret code, we need a way to actually run it!
runCode :: Bool -> String -> String -> Scope -> IO Scope
runCode output file code scope = do
result <- runResult $ run file code scope
case result of
Left err -> hPrint stderr err $> scope
Right (res, scope) -> if output then print res $> scope else return scope
repl :: Scope -> IO ()
repl scope = let
go :: Scope -> IO Scope
go scope = do
putStr "> "
hFlush stdout
line <- getLine
if line == "" then return scope
else runCode True "<repl>" line scope >>= go
in do
putStrLn "TinyAPL REPL, empty line to exit"
putStrLn "Supported primitives:"
putStrLn $ " " ++ unwords (singleton . fst <$> P.arrays)
putStrLn $ " " ++ unwords (singleton . fst <$> P.functions)
putStrLn $ " " ++ unwords (singleton . fst <$> P.adverbs)
putStrLn $ " " ++ unwords (singleton . fst <$> P.conjunctions)
putStrLn "Supported features:"
putStrLn $ "* dfns " ++ [fst G.braces] ++ "code" ++ [snd G.braces] ++ ", d-monadic-ops " ++ [G.underscore, fst G.braces] ++ "code" ++ [snd G.braces] ++ ", d-dyadic-ops " ++ [G.underscore, fst G.braces] ++ "code" ++ [snd G.braces, G.underscore]
putStrLn $ " " ++ [G.alpha] ++ " left argument, " ++ [] ++ " right argument,"
putStrLn $ " " ++ [G.alpha, G.alpha] ++ " left array operand, " ++ [G.alphaBar, G.alphaBar] ++ " left function operand, " ++ [,] ++ " right array operand, " ++ [G.omegaBar, G.omegaBar] ++ " right function operand,"
putStrLn $ " " ++ [G.del] ++ " recurse function, " ++ [G.underscore, G.del] ++ " recurse monadic op, " ++ [G.underscore, G.del, G.underscore] ++ " recurse dyadic op"
putStrLn $ " " ++ [G.exit] ++ " early exit, " ++ [G.guard] ++ " guard"
putStrLn $ " " ++ [G.separator] ++ " multiple statements"
putStrLn $ "* numbers: " ++ [G.decimal] ++ " decimal separator, " ++ [G.negative] ++ " negative sign, " ++ [G.exponent] ++ " exponent notation, " ++ [G.imaginary] ++ " complex separator"
putStrLn $ "* character literals: " ++ [G.charDelimiter] ++ "abc" ++ [G.charDelimiter]
putStrLn $ "* string literals: " ++ [G.stringDelimiter] ++ "abc" ++ [G.stringDelimiter] ++ " with escapes using " ++ [G.stringEscape]
putStrLn $ "* names: abc array, Abc function, _Abc monadic op, _Abc_ dyadic op, assignment with " ++ [G.assign]
putStrLn $ "* get " ++ [G.quad] ++ " read evaluated input, get " ++ [G.quadQuote] ++ " read string input, set " ++ [G.quad] ++ " print with newline, set " ++ [G.quadQuote] ++ " print without newline"
void $ go scope
main :: IO ()
main = do
hSetEncoding stdout utf8
hSetEncoding stderr utf8
The scope in which the file/REPL input is ran has some builtin entries, for convenience:
let a = vector $ Number <$> [1, 2, -1]
let b = vector $ Number <$> [5, 2.1, 3 :+ (-0.5)]
let i = arrayReshaped [3, 3] $ Number <$> [ 1, 0, 0
, 0, 1, 0
, 0, 0, 1 ]
let inc = BindRight (scalar $ Number 1)
putStrLn "a"; print a
putStrLn "b"; print b
putStrLn "i"; print i
putStrLn "I"; print inc
let scope = Scope [("a", a), ("b", b), ("i", i)] [("I", inc)] [] [] Nothing
args <- getArgs
case args of
[] -> repl scope
[path] -> do
code <- readFile path
void $ runCode False path code scope
_ -> do
hPutStrLn stderr "Usage:"
hPutStrLn stderr "tinyapl Start a REPL"
hPutStrLn stderr "tinyapl path Run a file"
Floor, ceiling and round
Of course, no TinyAPL update would be complete without adding some primitives! This time it's just a few easy ones: floor, ceiling and round (⸠
-- as argument to floor = pureFunction
Just $ monadN2N' $ \(a :+ b) -> fromInteger (Prelude.floor a) :+ fromInteger (Prelude.floor b)
-- as argument to ceil = pureFunction
Just $ monadN2N' $ \(a :+ b) -> fromInteger (ceiling a) :+ fromInteger (ceiling b)
round = pureFunction (Just $ monadN2N' $ \(a :+ b) -> let
r x = Prelude.floor $ x + 0.5
in fromInteger (r a) :+ fromInteger (r b)) Nothing [G.round]
Note: Round doesn't use Prelude.round
because that one rounds x.5
to even, and I wanted round above instead.