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TinyAPL part 5: Array Notation and Reductions


Madeline Vergani

In this post, I add array notation to TinyAPL, as well as reductions, scans, and a few other primitives.

As usual, code from this post is available in a GitHub repository

Array Notation

The most signifcant change for this post is the introduction of APL Array Notation, which introduces syntax for vectors using ⟨⋄⟩ and higher-rank arrays (built from major cells) using [⋄].

First, functions to convert between arrays and scalars:

fromScalar :: ScalarValue -> Array
fromScalar (Box arr) = arr
fromScalar sc        = scalar sc

toScalar :: Array -> ScalarValue
toScalar (Array [] [x]) = x
toScalar arr            = box arr

Next, tokens for vectors and high-rank arrays:

data Token
  -- ...
  | TokenVector [[Token]] SourcePos
  | TokenHighRank [[Token]] SourcePos

tokenPos (TokenVector _ pos) = pos
tokenPos (TokenHighRank _ pos) = pos

Tokenization for array notation:

  array = between spaces spaces (try number <|> try charVec <|> try str <|> try arrayAssign <|> try (withPos $ TokenArrayName <$> arrayName) <|> try vectorNotation <|> try highRankNotation <|> primArray) where

    vectorNotation :: Parser Token
    vectorNotation = withPos $ between (char $ fst G.vector) (char $ snd G.vector) (TokenVector <$> sepBy bits separator)

    highRankNotation :: Parser Token
    highRankNotation = withPos $ between (char $ fst G.highRank) (char $ snd G.highRank) (TokenHighRank <$> sepBy bits separator)

Binding, with two new Trees:

  | VectorBranch { vectorEntries :: [Tree] }
  | HighRankBranch { highRankEntries :: [Tree] }

      (VectorBranch es)           -> (indent ++ "⟨⟩") : concatMap (go (i + 1)) es
      (HighRankBranch es)         -> (indent ++ "[]") : concatMap (go (i + 1)) es

treeCategory (VectorBranch _)            = CatArray
treeCategory (HighRankBranch _)          = CatArray

  tokenToTree (TokenVector es pos)                 = array VectorBranch es pos
  tokenToTree (TokenHighRank es pos)               = array HighRankBranch es pos

  array :: ([Tree] -> Tree) -> [[Token]] -> SourcePos -> Result Tree
  array t es _ = t <$> mapM (\x -> categorizeAndBind x >>=
    requireOfCategory CatArray (\c -> makeSyntaxError (tokenPos $ head x) source $ "Invalid array entry of type " ++ show c ++ ", array required")) es

Interpreting array notation:

eval (VectorBranch es)              = do
  entries <- mapM (eval >=> unwrapArray (DomainError "Array notation entries must be arrays")) es
  return $ VArray $ vector $ toScalar <$> entries
eval (HighRankBranch es)            = do
  entries <- mapM (eval >=> unwrapArray (DomainError "Array notation entries must be arrays")) es
  return $ VArray $ fromMajorCells entries

Lastly, array notation is documented in the REPL:

  putStrLn $ "* array notation: " ++ [fst G.vector, G.separator, snd G.vector] ++ " vector, " ++ [fst G.highRank, G.separator, snd G.highRank] ++ " higher rank array (combine major cells)"

Reduce and Scan

Reduce and Scan use these glyphs, suggested by Adám on the APL Orchard:

  • for (first-axis) reduce-down (left-to-right function application)
  • for (first-axis) reduce-up (right-to-left function application, like standard Reduce in APL)
  • for (first-axis) scan-down on prefixes (left-to-right function application)
  • for (first-axis) scan-up on suffixes (right-to-left function application)
reduceDown = Adverb
  { adverbRepr = [G.reduceDown]
  , adverbOnArray = Nothing
  , adverbOnFunction = Just $ \f -> pure $ ReduceDown f }
reduceUp = Adverb
  { adverbRepr = [G.reduceUp]
  , adverbOnArray = Nothing
  , adverbOnFunction = Just $ \f -> pure $ ReduceUp f }
scanDown = Adverb
  { adverbRepr = [G.scanDown]
  , adverbOnArray = Nothing
  , adverbOnFunction = Just $ \f -> pure $ ScanDown f }
scanUp = Adverb
  { adverbRepr = [G.scanUp]
  , adverbOnArray = Nothing
  , adverbOnFunction = Just $ \f -> pure $ ScanUp f }

And the actual implementations of the operators, as usual implemented as cases to callMonad and callDyad:

data Function
  | ReduceDown { reduceDownFunction :: Function }
  | ReduceUp { reduceUpFunction :: Function }
  | ScanDown { scanDownFunction :: Function }
  | ScanUp { scanUpFunction :: Function }
  show (ReduceDown f) = "(" ++ show f ++ [')', G.reduceDown]
  show (ReduceUp f) = "(" ++ show f ++ [')', G.reduceUp]
  show (ScanDown f) = "(" ++ show f ++ [')', G.scanDown]
  show (ScanUp f) = "(" ++ show f ++ [')', G.scanUp]

Reduce down is a foldl1:

callMonad (ReduceDown f) xs = do
  let go :: [Array] -> St Array
      go []           = throwError $ DomainError "Reduce empty axis"
      go [x]          = return x
      go (a : b : xs) = do
        x <- callDyad f a b
        go $ x : xs
  go $ majorCells xs

And reduce up is a foldr1:

callMonad (ReduceUp f) xs = do
  let go :: [Array] -> St Array
      go []       = throwError $ DomainError "Reduce empty axis"
      go [x]      = return x
      go (x : xs) = do
        y <- go xs
        callDyad f x y
  go $ majorCells xs

Scans are applications of the corresponding Reduce on prefixes and suffixes:

callMonad (ScanDown f) xs = do
  if isScalar xs then return xs
  else fromMajorCells <$> mapM (callMonad (ReduceDown f) . fromMajorCells) (prefixes $ majorCells xs)
callMonad (ScanUp f) xs = do
  if isScalar xs then return xs
  else fromMajorCells <$> mapM (callMonad (ReduceUp f) . fromMajorCells) (suffixes $ majorCells xs)

These use the prefixes and suffixes functions from Util:

prefixes :: [a] -> [[a]]
prefixes [] = []
prefixes (x:xs) = [x] : ((x :) <$> prefixes xs)

suffixes :: [a] -> [[a]]
suffixes = map reverse . prefixes . reverse
callDyad (ReduceDown _) _ _ = throwError $ NYIError "Windowed reduce not implemented yet"
callDyad (ReduceUp _) _ _ = throwError $ NYIError "Windowed reduce not implemented yet"
callDyad (ScanDown _) _ _ = throwError $ DomainError "Dyadic scan"
callDyad (ScanUp _) _ _ = throwError $ DomainError "Dyadic scan"


Rotate is very similar to Take and Drop:

-- as argument to reverse = pureFunction
Just $ \r arr -> let
  rotate c
    | c < 0 = List.reverse . rotate (negate c) . List.reverse
    | c == 0 = id
    | otherwise = \case
      []       -> []
      (x : xs) -> rotate (c - 1) (xs ++ [x])
  go []     xs = xs
  go (d:ds) xs = fromMajorCells $ rotate d $ go ds <$> majorCells xs
  mustBeIntegral = DomainError "Rotate left argument must be integral"
  in do
    rs <- asVector (RankError "Rotate left argument must be a vector") r >>= mapM (asNumber mustBeIntegral >=> asInt mustBeIntegral)
    pure $ go rs arr


Simple function which checks that the lengths match and then calls genericReplicate on each major cell.

replicate = pureFunction Nothing (Just $ \r arr -> do
  let error = DomainError "Replicate left argument must be a natural vector"
  rs <- asVector error r >>= mapM (asNumber error >=> asNat error)
  let cells = majorCells arr
  if length rs /= length cells then err $ LengthError "Replicate: different lengths in left and right argument"
  else return $ fromMajorCells $ concat $ zipWith genericReplicate rs cells) [G.replicate]

Number Functions

First, Magnitude and Remainder:

abs = pureFunction (Just $ monadN2N' Prelude.abs) (Just $ dyadNN2N $ \x y ->
  if x == 0 then err $ DomainError "Remainder by zero"
  else return $ y - (fromInteger (Prelude.floor $ realPart $ y / x) :+ fromInteger (Prelude.floor $ imagPart $ y / x)) * x) [G.abs]

Remainder is implemented with complex floating point floored modulo.

I added three functions that work with complex number: Phase , Real Part and Imaginary Part . Dyadically I decided to give the meaning of "set phase"/"set real part"/"set imaginary part".

Dyadic Phase takes the magnitude from the left argument and the phase from the right argument:

phase = pureFunction (Just $ monadN2N' $ \x -> Data.Complex.phase x :+ 0) (Just $ dyadNN2N' $ \x y -> Prelude.abs x * exp (0 :+ Data.Complex.phase y)) [G.phase]

Dyadic Real Part takes the imaginary part from the left argument and the real part from the right argument:

real = pureFunction (Just $ monadN2N' $ \x -> realPart x :+ 0) (Just $ dyadNN2N' $ \x y -> realPart y :+ imagPart x) [G.real]

Dyadic Imaginary Part takes the real part from the left argument and the imaginary part from the right argument:

imag = pureFunction (Just $ monadN2N' $ \x -> imagPart x :+ 0) (Just $ dyadNN2N' $ \x y -> realPart x :+ imagPart y) [G.imag]

Set Functions

The last functions added in this post are set functions: Unique , Union , Intersection , Difference ~, Symmetric Difference § and Nub Sieve .

Nub sieve marks whether the index of an element is the same as the first index of that element:

-- as argument to notEqual = pureFunction
Just $ \x -> do
  let cells = majorCells x
  return $ vector $ (\(c, idx) -> boolToScalar $ fromJust (c `elemIndex` cells) == idx) <$> zip cells [0..]

The other set functions are straightforwardly implemented following their spec.

union = pureFunction (Just $ return . fromMajorCells . List.nub . majorCells) (Just $ \x y ->
  return $ fromMajorCells $ majorCells x ++ filter (not . (`elem` majorCells x)) (majorCells y)) [G.union]
intersection = pureFunction Nothing (Just $ \x y -> return $ fromMajorCells $ filter (`elem` majorCells y) $ majorCells x) [G.intersection]
difference = pureFunction (Just $ monadN2N' (1 -)) (Just $ \x y -> return $ fromMajorCells $ filter (not . (`elem` majorCells y)) $ majorCells x) [G.difference]
symdiff = pureFunction Nothing (Just $ \x y ->
  return $ fromMajorCells $ filter (not . (`elem` majorCells y)) (majorCells x) ++ filter (not . (`elem` majorCells x)) (majorCells y)) [G.symdiff]


I've included a list of supported and planned features in the README on the GitHub repository for TinyAPL.