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TinyAPL part 7: Quads, Key, Index


Madeline Vergani

As usual, code is available in a GitHub repository.


To make it easier for functions to use implementations of other functions, I extracted all the functions from the pureFunction arguments and generalized them to take any MonadError Error m instead of plain Result/ResultIO/St. Most of the functions have a version which operates on the most natural Haskell datatype, and a version labeled with a ' which takes arrays and does error checking.

Scalar functions generally look like this:

conjugate :: MonadError Error m => ScalarValue -> m ScalarValue
conjugate (Number y) = pure $ Number $ Cx.conjugate y
conjugate _ = throwError expectedNumber

conjugate' :: MonadError Error m => Array -> m Array
conjugate' = scalarMonad conjugate

And here's a non-scalar function:

reshape :: MonadError Error m => [Integer] -> Array -> m Array
reshape shape arr@(Array _ xs) = do
  let negative = count (< 0) shape
  if negative == 0 then case arrayReshaped (fromInteger . toInteger <$> shape) xs of
    Nothing -> throwError $ DomainError "Cannot reshape an empty array to a non-empty array"
    Just res -> pure res
  else if negative == 1 && -1 `elem` shape then do
    let bound = genericLength xs
    let known = product $ filter (>= 0) shape
    if known == 0 then throwError $ DomainError "Shape cannot contain both 0 and -1"
    else if bound `mod` known /= 0 then throwError $ DomainError "Shape is not a multiple of the bound of the array"
    else reshape ((\x -> if x == -1 then bound `div` known else x) <$> shape) arr
  else throwError $ DomainError "Invalid shape"

reshape' :: MonadError Error m => Array -> Array -> m Array
reshape' sh arr = do
  let err = DomainError "Shape must be an integer vector"
  shape <- asVector err sh >>= mapM (asNumber err >=> asInt err)
  reshape shape arr

Similarly, all operators have been extracted into functions and the Function enum has been reduced to a simple record.

compose :: MonadError Error m => (b -> m c) -> (a -> m b) -> a -> m c
compose f g = g >=> f

atop :: MonadError Error m => (c -> m d) -> (a -> b -> m c) -> a -> b -> m d
atop f g x y = g x y >>= f

atop = Conjunction
  { conjRepr = [G.atop]
  , conjOnArrayArray = Nothing
  , conjOnArrayFunction = Nothing
  , conjOnFunctionArray = Just $ \_ _ -> throwError $ NYIError "Rank operator not implemented yet"
  , conjOnFunctionFunction = Just $ \f g -> pure $ Function (Just $ F.compose (callMonad f) (callMonad g)) (Just $ F.atop (callMonad f) (callDyad g)) (makeConjRepr (show f) G.atop (show g)) }

Affine character arithmetic

Affine character arithmetic is the ability to apply certain arithmetic functions on the codepoints of characters:

add (Number x) (Character y) = do
  x' <- asInt expectedInteger x
  pure $ Character $ chr $ ord y + x'
add (Character x) (Number y) = do
  y' <- asInt expectedInteger y
  pure $ Character $ chr $ ord x + y'

sub (Character x) (Number y) = do
  y' <- asInt expectedInteger y
  pure $ Character $ chr $ ord x - y'
sub (Character x) (Character y) = pure $ Number $ fromInteger . toInteger $ ord x - ord y

Supporting quad names

First, changing the parser to accept quad names:

		arrayName = try (liftA3 (\x y z -> x : y : z) (char G.quad) (oneOf arrayStart) (many $ oneOf identifierRest)) <|> try (string [G.alpha, G.alpha]) <|> try (string [,]) <|> try (string [G.alpha]) <|> try (string []) <|> try (string [G.quad]) <|> try (string [G.quadQuote]) <|> liftA2 (:) (oneOf arrayStart) (many $ oneOf identifierRest)

		functionName = try (liftA3 (\x y z -> x : y : z) (char G.quad) (oneOf functionStart) (many $ oneOf identifierRest)) <|> try (string [G.del]) <|> try (string [G.alphaBar, G.alphaBar]) <|> try (string [G.omegaBar, G.omegaBar]) <|> liftA2 (:) (oneOf functionStart) (many $ oneOf identifierRest)

		adverbName = try (liftA3 (\x y z -> x : y : z) (char G.quad) (char G.underscore) (many $ oneOf identifierRest)) <|> try (string [G.underscore, G.del]) <|> liftA2 (:) (char G.underscore) (many1 $ oneOf identifierRest)

		conjunctionName = try ((\x y z w -> x : y : z ++ [w]) <$> char G.quad <*> char G.underscore <*> many (oneOf identifierRest) <*> char G.underscore) <|> try (string [G.underscore, G.del, G.underscore]) <|> liftA3 (\a b c -> a : b ++ [c]) (char G.underscore) (many1 $ oneOf identifierRest) (char G.underscore)

Quad array names are special in that accessing them may yield a non-constant value and setting them can trigger side effects; also some quad names can only be get and others can only be set:

data Nilad = Nilad
  { niladGet :: Maybe (St Array)
  , niladSet :: Maybe (Array -> St ())
  , niladRepr :: String }

instance Show Nilad where 
  show (Nilad { niladRepr = r }) = r

data Quads = Quads
  { quadArrays :: [(String, Nilad)]
  , quadFunctions :: [(String, Function)]
  , quadAdverbs :: [(String, Adverb)]
  , quadConjunctions :: [(String, Conjunction)] }
  deriving (Show)

Quad names are not intrinsic to the language as primitives are, instead different contexts can use different quad names. They are stored as a member of the Scope:

data Scope = Scope
  { scopeArrays :: [(String, Array)]
  , scopeFunctions :: [(String, Function)]
  , scopeAdverbs :: [(String, Adverb)]
  , scopeConjunctions :: [(String, Conjunction)]
  , scopeParent :: Maybe Scope
  , scopeQuads :: Quads }

Next, the interpreter has to recognize quad names and call them instead of looking up a name in the normal scope table:

evalLeaf (TokenArrayName name _)
	-- ...
	| head name == G.quad                = do
    quads <- gets scopeQuads
    let nilad = lookup name $ quadArrays quads
    case nilad of
      Just x -> case niladGet x of
        Just g -> VArray <$> g
        Nothing -> throwError $ SyntaxError $ "Quad name " ++ name ++ " cannot be accessed"
      Nothing -> throwError $ SyntaxError $ "Unknown quad name " ++ name

evalLeaf (TokenFunctionName name _)
  | head name == G.quad                = do
    quads <- gets scopeQuads
    let fn = lookup name $ quadFunctions quads
    case fn of
      Just x -> return $ VFunction x
      Nothing -> throwError $ SyntaxError $ "Unknown quad name " ++ name

evalLeaf (TokenAdverbName name _)
  | head name == G.quad                = do
    quads <- gets scopeQuads
    let adv = lookup name $ quadAdverbs quads
    case adv of
      Just x -> return $ VAdverb x
      Nothing -> throwError $ SyntaxError $ "Unknown quad name " ++ name

evalLeaf (TokenConjunctionName name _)
  | head name == G.quad                = do
    quads <- gets scopeQuads
    let conj = lookup name $ quadConjunctions quads
    case conj of
      Just x -> return $ VConjunction x
      Nothing -> throwError $ SyntaxError $ "Unknown quad name " ++ name

Similarly for array assignment:

  | head name == G.quad   = do
    arr <- unwrapArray (DomainError "Cannot set quad name to non-array") val
    quads <- gets scopeQuads
    let nilad = lookup name $ quadArrays quads
    case nilad of
      Just x -> case niladSet x of
        Just s -> do
          s arr
          return val
        Nothing -> throwError $ SyntaxError $ "Quad name " ++ name ++ " cannot be set"
      Nothing -> throwError $ SyntaxError $ "Unknown quad name " ++ name

Implementing quad names

Now that the structure is in place, quad names can be implemented. For now, I did the easy ones:

module TinyAPL.CoreQuads where

-- ...

io = Nilad (Just $ pure $ scalar $ Number 1) Nothing (G.quad : "io")
ct = Nilad (Just $ pure $ scalar $ Number $ comparisonTolerance :+ 0) Nothing (G.quad : "ct")
u = Nilad (Just $ pure $ vector $ Character <$> ['A'..'Z']) Nothing (G.quad : "u")
l = Nilad (Just $ pure $ vector $ Character <$> ['a'..'z']) Nothing (G.quad : "l")
d = Nilad (Just $ pure $ vector $ Character <$> ['0'..'9']) Nothing (G.quad : "d")

exists = Function (Just $ \x -> do
  let var = show x
  scope <- get
  case scopeLookup var scope of
    Just _ -> return $ scalar $ Number 1
    Nothing -> return $ scalar $ Number 0
  ) Nothing (G.quad : "Exists")

core = Quads
  ((\x -> (niladRepr x, x)) <$>
  [ io, ct, u, l, d ])
  ((\x -> (dfnRepr x, x)) <$>
  [ exists ])
  ((\x -> (adverbRepr x, x)) <$>
  ((\x -> (conjRepr x, x)) <$>

⎕Repr: representing arrays

The ⎕Repr quad name serializes an array into a format that can be read by (which I didn't implement yet).

repr = Function (Just $ \x -> return $ vector $ Character <$> arrayRepr x) Nothing (G.quad : "Repr")
charRepr :: Char -> (String, Bool)
charRepr c = case lookup c (swap <$> G.escapes) of
  Just e -> ([G.stringEscape, e], True)
  Nothing -> ([c], False)

scalarRepr :: ScalarValue -> String
scalarRepr (Number x) = showComplex x
scalarRepr (Character x) = case charRepr x of
  (e, True) -> [G.first, G.stringDelimiter] ++ e ++ [G.stringDelimiter]
  (c, False) -> [G.charDelimiter] ++ c ++ [G.charDelimiter]
scalarRepr (Box xs) = G.enclose : arrayRepr xs

stringRepr :: [Char] -> String
stringRepr str = [G.stringDelimiter] ++ concatMap (fst . charRepr) str ++ [G.stringDelimiter]

arrayRepr :: Array -> String
arrayRepr (Array [] [s]) = scalarRepr s
arrayRepr (Array [_] xs)
  | not (null xs) && all (\case (Character _) -> True; _ -> False) xs = stringRepr $ (\case (Character c) -> c; _ -> undefined) <$> xs
  | otherwise = [fst G.vector] ++ intercalate [' ', G.separator, ' '] (arrayRepr . fromScalar <$> xs) ++ [snd G.vector]
arrayRepr arr = [fst G.highRank] ++ intercalate [' ', G.separator, ' '] (arrayRepr <$> majorCells arr) ++ [snd G.highRank]

Decoupling array functions from Result

Another big refactoring: array functions can now accept any MonadError Error m.

asScalar :: MonadError Error m => Error -> Array -> m ScalarValue
asScalar _ (Array _ [x]) = pure x
asScalar e _ = throwError e

-- et cetera

[!] Roll and Seed

[!] All the code in this section has temporarily been removed as the random package does not compile on the WASM backend.

Roll ? uses random as a dependency to generate random numbers; therefore it requires a MonadIO as the running context and not just a MonadError Error.

roll :: (MonadError Error m, MonadIO m) => Natural -> m Double
roll y =
  if y == 0 then randomRIO (0, 1)
  else fromInteger <$> randomRIO (1, toInteger y)

roll' :: (MonadError Error m, MonadIO m) => Array -> m Array
roll' = scalarMonad $ \y -> do
  n <- asNumber expectedNatural y >>= asNat expectedNatural
  Number . (:+ 0) <$> roll n

⎕seed is a set-only quad array that is used to seed the random generator:

seed = Nilad Nothing (Just $ \x -> do
  let e = DomainError "Seed must be a scalar integer"
  seed <- liftEither (asScalar e x) >>= liftEither . asNumber e >>= liftEither . asInt e
  setStdGen $ mkStdGen seed) (G.quad : "seed")

Removing the Set * functions

Set Phase, Set Real Part and Set Imaginary part have all been removed. I think I'm still in a phase where I can remove things without warning (though I did put a deprecation notice for a few days in the docs), it's not like anybody uses TinyAPL anyways.

Changing Reduce and Scan

Scans have been removed in favor of new On Prefixes and On Suffixes adverbs, which generalize scans to non-reduction functions. Reduces have had their name and glyph changed (Reduce Down → Reduce , Reduce Up → Reduce Back ).

onPrefixes :: MonadError Error m => ([a] -> m b) -> [a] -> m [b]
onPrefixes f = mapM f . prefixes

onPrefixes' :: MonadError Error m => (Array -> m Array) -> Array -> m Array
onPrefixes' f arr = fromMajorCells <$> onPrefixes (f . fromMajorCells) (majorCells arr)

onSuffixes :: MonadError Error m => ([a] -> m b) -> [a] -> m [b]
onSuffixes f = mapM f . suffixes

onSuffixes' :: MonadError Error m => (Array -> m Array) -> Array -> m Array
onSuffixes' f arr = fromMajorCells <$> onSuffixes (f . fromMajorCells) (majorCells arr)


Key is an adverb that calls a function on each unique value of the left argument and the corresponding values of the right argument.

group :: Eq k => [k] -> [a] -> [(k, [a])]
group [] [] = []
group (k:ks) (a:as) = let gs = group ks as in case lookup k gs of
  Just g -> (k, a:g) : delete gs k
  Nothing -> (k, [a]) : gs
group _ _ = error "group: mismatched array lengths"
key :: (Eq a, MonadError Error m) => (a -> [b] -> m c) -> [a] -> [b] -> m [c]
key f ks vs
  | length ks == length vs = mapM (uncurry f) (group ks vs)
  | otherwise = throwError $ LengthError "Incompatible shapes to Key"

key' :: MonadError Error m => (Array -> Array -> m Array) -> Array -> Array -> m Array
key' f karr varr = fromMajorCells <$> key (\k vs -> f k $ vector $ toScalar <$> vs) (majorCells karr) (majorCells varr)

keyMonad :: MonadError Error m => (Array -> Array -> m Array) -> Array -> m Array
keyMonad f arr = do
  t <- tally' arr
  is <- indexGenerator' t
  key' f arr is


Two indexing functions are available in TinyAPL: From and (squad) Index .

Squad indexing is easier:

indexCells :: MonadError Error m => [Integer] -> [a] -> m [a]
indexCells [] _ = pure []
indexCells (i:is) xs
  | i < 0 = indexCells (genericLength xs + i + 1 : is) xs
  | i == 0 || i > genericLength xs = throwError $ DomainError "Index out of bounds"
  | otherwise = (genericIndex xs (i - 1) :) <$> indexCells is xs

indexDeep :: MonadError Error m => [[Integer]] -> Array -> m Array
indexDeep [] arr = pure arr
indexDeep (i:is) arr = indexCells i (majorCells arr) >>= (fmap (\x -> if length x == 1 then head x else fromMajorCells x) . mapM (indexDeep is))

squad :: MonadError Error m => Array -> Array -> m Array
squad iarr carr = do
  let err = DomainError "Squad left argument must be a vector of scalar integers or vectors of integers"
  is <- asVector err iarr >>= mapM (asVector err >=> mapM (asNumber err >=> asInt err)) . fmap fromScalar
  indexDeep is carr

From is more complex; it could be easily implemented using Rank but I don't have that yet. TODO: refactor!

indexScatter :: MonadError Error m => Array -> Array -> m Array
indexScatter iarr carr = each1 (\i -> do
  let err = DomainError "From left argument must be an integer vector or array of integer vectors"
  is <- asVector err i >>= mapM (asNumber err >=> asInt err)
  indexDeep (singleton <$> is) carr) iarr

from :: MonadError Error m => Array -> Array -> m Array
from iarr carr
  | null (arrayShape iarr) && all (\case { Number _ -> True; _ -> False }) (arrayContents iarr) = do
    let err = DomainError "From left argument must be an integer vector or an array of integer vectors"
    index <- asScalar err iarr >>= asNumber err >>= asInt err
    head <$> indexCells [index] (majorCells carr)
  | length (arrayShape iarr) == 1 && all (\case { Number _ -> True; _ -> False }) (arrayContents iarr) = do
    let err = DomainError "From left argument must be an integer vector or an array of integer vectors"
    indices <- asVector err iarr >>= mapM (asNumber err >=> asInt err)
    fromMajorCells <$> indexCells indices (majorCells carr)
  | otherwise = indexScatter iarr carr