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TinyAPL part 9: More Tacit!


Madeline Vergani

If you've used TinyAPL (which you probably haven't) you might've noticed the lack of a pretty important feature that's present in most modern APLs: trains. In this post I finally add them, with a TinyAPL spin of course.

Code is available, as usual, in a GitHub repository.


First, a simple primitive, which returns the "level of nesting" of an array: 0 for scalars, 1 for simple arrays, one more than the maximum depth of the elements for nested arrays:

depth :: MonadError Error m => Array -> m Natural
depth (Array [] [Box xs]) = (1+) <$> depth xs
depth (Array [] _) = pure 0
depth (Array _ []) = pure 1
depth (Array _ xs) = (1+) . maximum <$> mapM (depth . fromScalar) xs

depth' :: MonadError Error m => Array -> m Array
depth' = fmap (scalar . Number . fromInteger . toInteger) . depth

Changes in the JS Interpreter

I added an interface to tinyapl.js that allows for custom quad nilads and functions to be created from the JavaScript side; for now the implemented quads are ⎕CreateImage, ⎕DisplayImage, ⎕PlayAnimation, ⎕ScatterPlot, ⎕PlayAudio, ⎕Fetch. They're explained in more depth in the info section on the interpreter (which is here). Here are some examples:

The interface is also now more usable, with features such as Shift + ↑/↓ to cycle between previously ran lines and an info section explaining how to use the interpreter.


Very simple quad: delays for approximately y seconds and returns the actual time.

delay = Function (Just $ \x -> do
  let err = DomainError "Delay argument must be a nonnegative scalar number"
  n <- asScalar err x >>= asNumber err >>= asReal err
  if n < 0 then throwError err else do
    start <- realToFrac <$> liftToSt getPOSIXTime
    liftToSt $ threadDelay $ floor $ n * 1000 * 1000
    end <- realToFrac <$> liftToSt getPOSIXTime
    pure $ scalar $ Number $ (end - start) :+ 0
  ) Nothing (G.quad : "Delay")

The first PR!

I switched to Megaparsec for tokenization, this involved a few changes mostly in the way errors are formatted. However, I was dissatisfied with the way errors were signaled, such as that when assigning something that causes a parse error, the error is indicated at the point of the assignment instead. Talking about this on the APL Farm, Discord user Probie (who goes by @LudvikGalois on GitHub) decided to open a pull request fixing the issue! The problem turned out to be excessive use of try in the parser. They also changed the code to use lexeme instead of raw between whitespace whitespace. Thanks a lot to them for the help!


One annoying thing I've found writing the examples for testing out the image and animation features is the fact that writing vectors is quite verbose. While I think that isn't as much of a problem with large elements, it gets a bit too verbose with simple numeric vectors. I've introduced a Tie syntax for number vectors. The changes are quite easy:

data Token
	= TokenNumber [(Complex Double)] SourcePos
	-- ...
    number = withPos $ TokenNumber <$> sepBy1 complex (lexeme $ char G.tie) where -- ...
evalLeaf (TokenNumber [x] _)           = return $ VArray $ scalar $ Number x
evalLeaf (TokenNumber xs _)            = return $ VArray $ vector $ Number <$> xs

Mirror, Left Fork, Right Fork

Mirror, Left Fork and Right Fork are three new-to-APL combinators I designed. Mirror is, as far as I can tell, never implemented; while Left and Right Fork appear in Uiua as special cases of the combinators ⟜ on and ⊸ by. Mirror has appeared in the planning months ago, Left and Right Fork are new.

Mirror gets the glpyh , Left Fork and Right Fork (Yes, Left Fork is a right-pointing arrow. I put them this way to mirror ⟜⊸ which have their direction taken from BQN). Monadically, Left and Right Fork act as the corresponding Hook, Mirror isn't defined.

mirror :: MonadError Error m => (b -> b -> m c) -> (a -> a -> m b) -> a -> a -> m c
mirror f g x y = do
  b <- g x y
  a <- g y x
  f a b

leftFork :: MonadError Error m => (a -> b -> m c) -> (c -> b -> m d) -> a -> b -> m d
leftFork f g x y = do
  a <- f x y
  g a y

rightFork :: MonadError Error m => (a -> c -> m d) -> (a -> b -> m c) -> a -> b -> m d
rightFork f g x y = do
  a <- g x y
  f x a


As mentioned before, TinyAPL puts its spin on the traditional train syntax. It is, of course, mostly to simplify parsing; it does introduce some nice bonuses though. Syntax uses ⦅⋄⦆, with each tine separated by a diamond.

The first bonus is that empty tines can be allowed in the syntax: this is interpreted the same way Cap [: is in J trains: it forces a 3-train to be a 2-train instead. This is useful for longer trains: compare ⦅-⋄+⋄-⦆ (a fork: sum the result of the negation of the argument and the negation of the argument; or similar dyadic meaning) with ⦅-⋄⋄+⋄-⦆ (two atops: negate the result of conjugating the result of the negation of the argument; or similar dyadic meaning).

The second bonus is that "trains" that in other APLs would evaluate to calls, such as F1 F2 a3 (which becomes the array F1 (F2 a3), instead of the function F1 F2 a3⍨) can be interpreted as proper trains.

Another natural choice is to allow J-like ("like" as in I just stole them) modifier trains, i.e. trains where the tines are adverbs or conjunctions. Modifier trains can result in modifiers too, which is why the syntax (in TinyAPL style) uses _⦅⋄⦆ for adverb-returning trains and _⦅⋄⦆_ for conjunction-returning trains.

All combinations are documented on the trains documentation page.

Onto the code:

data Token
	-- ...
	| TokenTrain [Maybe [Token]] SourcePos
  | TokenAdverbTrain [Maybe [Token]] SourcePos
  | TokenConjunctionTrain [Maybe[Token]] SourcePos
    train :: Parser Token
    train = withPos $ TokenTrain <$> (string [fst G.train] *> sepBy1 (option Nothing $ Just <$> bits) separator <* string [snd G.train])

		adverbTrain :: Parser Token
		adverbTrain = withPos $ TokenAdverbTrain <$> (string [G.underscore, fst G.train] *> sepBy1 (option Nothing $ Just <$> bits) separator <* string [snd G.train] <* notFollowedBy (char G.underscore))

		conjunctionTrain :: Parser Token
    conjunctionTrain = withPos $ TokenConjunctionTrain <$> (string [G.underscore, fst G.train] *> sepBy1 (option Nothing $ Just <$> bits) separator <* string [snd G.train, G.underscore])
  train :: Category -> [Maybe [Token]] -> SourcePos -> Result Tree
  train cat es _ = TrainBranch cat <$> (mapM (\case
      Nothing -> return Nothing
      Just y -> Just <$> categorizeAndBind y
    ) es)

  tokenToTree (TokenTrain fs pos)                  = train CatFunction fs pos
  tokenToTree (TokenAdverbTrain fs pos)            = train CatAdverb fs pos
  tokenToTree (TokenConjunctionTrain fs pos)       = train CatConjunction fs pos
evalTrain :: Category -> [Maybe Tree] -> St Value
evalTrain cat es = let
  atop :: Function -> Function -> Function
  atop f g = Function { functionMonad = Just $ F.compose (callMonad f) (callMonad g), functionDyad = Just $ F.atop (callMonad f) (callDyad g), functionRepr = "" }

  fork :: Function -> Function -> Function -> Function
  fork f g h = Function { functionMonad = Just $ F.fork1 (callMonad f) (callDyad g) (callMonad h), functionDyad = Just $ F.fork2 (callDyad g) (callDyad f) (callDyad h), functionRepr = "" }

  bindLeft :: Function -> Array -> Function
  bindLeft f x = Function { functionMonad = Just $ \y -> callDyad f x y, functionDyad = Nothing, functionRepr = "" }

  bindRight :: Function -> Array -> Function
  bindRight f y = Function { functionMonad = Just $ \x -> callDyad f x y, functionDyad = Nothing, functionRepr = "" }

  train1 :: Value -> St Value
  train1 (VArray x) = pure $ VFunction $ Function { functionMonad = Just $ F.constant1 x, functionDyad = Just $ F.constant2 x, functionRepr = "" }
  train1 o = pure $ o

  train2 :: Value -> Value -> St Value
  train2 (VArray x) (VArray _) = pure $ VFunction $ Function { functionMonad = Just $ F.constant1 x, functionDyad = Just $ F.constant2 x, functionRepr = "" }
  -- ...
  train2 (VConjunction c) (VConjunction d) = pure $ VConjunction $ makeValueConjunction (\u v -> do
    a <- callOnValueAndValue d u v
    b <- callOnValueAndValue c u v
    pure $ atop a b) ""
  train2 x y = throwError $ DomainError $ "2-train with " ++ show x ++ " and " ++ show y ++ "?"

  train3 :: Value -> Value -> Value -> St Value
  train3 (VArray _) (VArray y) (VArray _) = pure $ VFunction $ Function { functionMonad = Just $ F.constant1 y, functionDyad = Just $ F.constant2 y, functionRepr = "" }
  -- ...
	train3 (VConjunction c) (VConjunction d) (VConjunction e) = pure $ VConjunction $ makeValueConjunction (\u v -> do
    r <- callOnValueAndValue e u v
    s <- callOnValueAndValue c u v
    callOnFunctionAndFunction d s r) ""
  train3 x y z = throwError $ DomainError $ "3-train with " ++ show x ++ ", " ++ show y ++ " and " ++ show z ++ "?"

  train :: [Maybe Value] -> St Value
  train [] = throwError $ DomainError "Empty train"
  train [Nothing] = throwError $ DomainError "Empty train"
  train [Just x] = train1 x
  train [Just y, Just x] = train2 x y
  train [_, _] = throwError $ SyntaxError "2-train cannot contain empty entries"
  train (Just z : Just y : Just x : rs) = train3 x y z >>= train . (: rs) . Just
  train (Just z : Just y : Nothing : rs) = train2 y z >>= train . (: rs) . Just
  train _ = throwError $ SyntaxError "3-train can only contain empty entries as the first tine"

  withTrainRepr :: [Maybe Value] -> Value -> St Value
  withTrainRepr _ (VArray _) = throwError $ DomainError "Array train?"
  withTrainRepr us (VFunction f) = pure $ VFunction $ f{ functionRepr = [fst G.train] ++ intercalate [' ', G.separator, ' '] (show <$> us) ++ [snd G.train] }
  withTrainRepr us (VAdverb a) = pure $ VAdverb $ a{ adverbRepr = [G.underscore, fst G.train] ++ intercalate [' ', G.separator, ' '] (show <$> us) ++ [snd G.train] }
  withTrainRepr us (VConjunction c) = pure $ VConjunction $ c{ conjRepr = [G.underscore, fst G.train] ++ intercalate [' ', G.separator, ' '] (show <$> us) ++ [snd G.train, G.underscore] }
  in do
    us <- mapM (\case
      Nothing -> pure Nothing
      Just x -> Just <$> eval x) es
    t <- train $ reverse us
    r <- withTrainRepr us t
    case (cat, r) of
      (CatArray, _) -> throwError $ DomainError "Array train?"
      (CatFunction, r@(VFunction _)) -> pure r
      (CatAdverb, r@(VAdverb _)) -> pure r
      (CatConjunction, r@(VConjunction _)) -> pure r
      (exp, g) -> throwError $ DomainError $ "Expected train of category " ++ show exp ++ ", got a " ++ show (valueCategory g)